Xamthone Plus. Mangosteen fruit is the only one who never rot on the ground despite being allowed to stand for anything. Instead, He will dry out and become wood. It is all due to Mangosteen has an amazing antioxidant. Here we present 17 + 34 Benefits of Mangosteen;1. HEALING AND PREVENTING CANCERNow this is being done endless research on the properties of the mangosteen fruit against cancer diseases. Temporary results, the extract contained in the mangosteen fruit can prevent the growth of cells in patients with leukemia, restrain the rate of cell growth in lung cancer, liver cancer, and colon cancer.2. THE DEADLY DISEASE PREVENTIONThis nutritious fruit that is considered harmful to overcome diseases such as diabetes, cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer's, heart disease, and others.Mangosteen xanthones contain substances that are useful to cope with deadly diseases as above.3. REDUCE WEIGHTObesity problem occurs because the cell membrane in our bodies easily enlarged and hardened. And this can be overcome by the substance contained xanthones in the mangosteen fruit. These substances are re soften cells, and rapidly changing food into energy. These conditions make us become more healthy and at the same time can overcome obesity.4. ELIMINATE PAINMangosteen is also efficacious in reducing or eliminating pain. A doctor in the United States claim to replace drugs to relieve the pain in the neck by consuming mangosteen fruit regularly.5. PREVENT HEART DISEASEHeart disease and arteriosclerosis occur because the blood vessels around the heart loses its elasticity. And mangosteen fruit can restore the elasticity of blood vessels through antimikorbial and antioxidants that have fruit.After the vessels around the heart healthy and strong, then the risk of heart disease is reduced.6. AGAINST FREE RADICALSMangosteen contains catechins which proved more effective and more powerful than vitamin C or vitamin E in fighting free radicals that exist in our bodies. Templeman Frederc doctor who wrote the book "A Doctor Challenge, A Mangosteen Solution" suggests that consuming mangosteen fruit as a food supplement every day, will get more antioxidants than any supplements offered in medicine.7. REDUCE HIGH BLOOD PRESSUREHypertension or high blood pressure also occurred due to an interruption in blood vessels, and are at risk of heart disease and stroke. Mangosteen fruit can overcome this, especially to normalize body weight.8. CARE OF DIGESTIONThe more old man, then naturally less acid in the stomach. These conditions increase the bacteria in the stomach causing diarrhea, intestinal ability to absorb less food, and excess gas. Symptoms and Diagnosis Symptoms such as these can be overcome by the substance of xanthones found in mangosteen fruit. Xanthones merit overcome excess bacteria, and work to rebalance the stomach.9. KEEPING UrethralFit naturally with age, the ability of the muscles of the hip in women will decrease. And this condition affects the urinary tract. Likewise, the man who will have an enlarged prostate according to the increase in the age. It is often the cause of infection because the bacteria that are not useful as a whole can not be removed through the urethra. Substance xanthones are in mangosteen fruit including substance that activates antibacterial.10. COPING WITH RESPIRATORY DISORDERSOne of the wonders of the bacteria-killing substance xanthones found in mangosteen fruit is overcome respiratory distress.11. HEALING ASTHMAAsama classified as a deadly disease caused by damage to the respiratory system.Mangosteen fruit into an ideal alternative medicine to cure it because it has the ability to fight infections and contain substances that reduce the allergenic.12. TREAT AND PREVENT DIABETESOne chronic disease that affects many people are diabetic. And to help the healing process are advised to consume mangosteen fruit which contains substances that normalize blood pressure, restore energy, and substances that reduce the excess sugar in the blood.13. MENTAL ABILITY PRESERVEDisorders or brain damage that is now being experienced by humans is dementia, Alzherimer, Parkinson's, stroke and others who damage the central nervous system. To prevent this, it is advisable to consume a lot of the mangosteen fruit contains antioxidants.These substances also prevent mental degeneration (decreased mental ability).14. INCREASING ENERGYNutritious mangosteen recover stamina. Some people who ate mangosteen regularly claimed to get extra energy when doing the hard work.15. REDUCE CHOLESTEROL"Bad" cholesterol or LDL (low density lipoproteins) is excessive and will stick to the walls of blood vessels constrict. And this condition can be reduced with the substance of xanthones found in mangosteen fruit.16. COPING WITH KIDNEY STONESKidney stone disease is usually experienced by men. To prevent kidney stones are advised to consume 3 ounces or more of the mangosteen fruit setaip day. Consuming mangosteen will make us more frequent urination which can prevent the emergence of kidney stones.17. INTRUSION PREVENTION VISIONCataract and glaucoma are impaired vision due to radiation which eliminates proteins in the lens of the eye. These disorders can be overcome by avoiding direct sunlight (use a glass eye) and consume mangosteen that contain antioxidants.