False Daisy (Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk) is a type of grass, the members of the Asteraceae family. Herbs are known to use as fertilizer, and hair as a medical plant efficiency.
Annual, with stems erect or lying down, usually an arm of 0.8 m. bar closed, often with purple hair, white. Green leaves, and sits on the front. Lanceolate leaf shape extending around the elongated egg size from 2 to 12.5 x 0.5 to 3.5 cm. Narrow foot and the tip of the blade with a serrated edge, or nearly flat. The upper and lower surfaces of leaves are hairy, and it seems a little "rough.
Flowers made of herbs as part of the extension of long stems of flowers in the next game 2-3 in the final or arms. Bags of leaves of two circles, 5 mm long, forming a bowl. The edge of the ring-shaped flowers with narrow bands and bidentate. Disco and white tubular flowers. The fruits are hardy plants (NUTS) for the continuation of the same size of 2 mm and a short nap.
Daisy produces a black liquid, false in a vein. This liquid is used to nourish the hair and blackened. In addition, this plant helps to treat plant diseases such as inflammation of the gums, head injuries, discharge, epistaxis, diarrhea and coughing up blood. This plant is also used to stop bleeding (hemostasis), less heat (reduces fever) and poison (antidote). Until recently, research has shown that this plant has a processing capacity (liver), and stomach.
Other places that are used to treat skin diseases Daisies false, eczema, and even win the attacks of venomous animals, such as scorpion stings and snake bites.
Origin of this plant is not known. This plant is widespread throughout the world and in the tropics and subtropics. In some places the grass has grown weeds, which is very worrying for some crops.
False are able to adapt to environmental changes, particularly in areas with poor drainage Margarita, wetlands around the river, ditch, or swamp, but a lot of sun. These resistant weeds to live in the land of salt in coastal areas at an altitude of 2000 m. The high reproducibility and bloom throughout the year. False Daisy can produce 17 000 seeds Fri
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