Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bilimbi (Averrhoa bilimbi L.)

Bilimbi plant (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) is a kind of small trees that are thought to originate from the Maluku Islands (Indonesia), but from other sources also said to come from tropical America. Plants are usually planted in the yard to be picked fruit. The fruit has a sour taste are often used as syrup freshener, flavoring dishes, clean the stain on the cloth, polish goods made of brass, clean hands are dirty or as ingredients of traditional medicine.

This plant with an annual age can reach 5-10 m high with a trunk that is not so big and has a diameter of only about 30 cm. Planted as fruit trees, sometimes grows wild and is found from the lowlands to 500 m above sea level. Bilimbi have rough bumpy stem, short and have few branches. Leaves odd pinnate compound leaf form, alternating, 30-60 cm long and grouped at the end of the branch. On each leaf there are 11 to 45 pairs of oval leaves.

The flowers are small, emerging directly from the stems with hairy flower stalk. Crown of five flowers, white, yellow or lilac.

Ellipse-shaped fruit up to like a torpedo, 4-10cm long. Color when young green fruit, with the remaining petals attached at the ends. If the ripe fruit is yellow or pale yellow. Flesh juicy fruit with a very sour taste to sweet. Shiny and thin rind. Seeds small, flat, and brown, and covered with mucus.

These plants have chemical properties with a sour taste and cool, in addition to pharmacological effects include: analgesic, multiply the expenditure of bile, anti-inflammatory, shed the urine, astringent. This plant contains saponins, tannins, glucoside, calcium oxalate, formic acid, sulfur, peroxide, and potassium citrate.

The plant is used for the treatment of disease is flowers, leaves and fruit. Bilimbi interest to treat coughs and stomatitis. The leaves of this plant parotitis and efficacious cure rheumatism. While men can treat whooping cough, bleeding gums, canker sores, painful cavities, acne, phlegm, hypertension, paralysis, improves digestive function, and inflammation of the rectum.

Friday, February 18, 2011

A Little Information About the Betel Plant

Bethel was the central and eastern Malaysia is the discovery of wild plants, fruits, betel nut is very easy to find. During this period the plants are grown for over 2500 years in Asia, Madagascar and East Africa. India and Asia in general, is proportional to the betel leaf of every human life, including social, cultural, religious, and even daily, until recently. An example is used to chew betel, which is considered refreshes the mouth and the energy, usually the death of the social, cultural and religious, such as marriage, Y. leaves of this plant is also used for visitors to fear in a bowl.

Bethel is a climber to solve two or married, even though the tree, bald, with a height of 5.15 m. There are two types of branching of herbaceous plants, which are the main branches to grow, or call ortotropic generating plant roots and relate to rise, children and contact information, or branches connecting ortotropic generation section called generators and plagiotropic roots. In both compounds, such as swelling, and books. One sheet, turn, turn back the whole eggs, 5 to 20.5 cm x 13.4 cm 2, the arms, such as heart disease, has led to the dish, meat bones, but the smooth, bald or hairy leaves bones systems. Bones numbered leaves 2-3 pairs, one pair, which is derived from the mother and leave the rest to the bone at the base of the leaves. Unisexual flowers hanging from Bethel to grow leaves, inflorescence size of 12 cm for men and 5

Bethel is a plant that is easy to find in the yard house.This due to the location of different business related betel health and healing. Essential oils of herbs, whose composition varies in different varieties. High content of essential oil eugenol betel leaves, kavikol, methyl kavikol (estragole) and kavibetol (betelfenol, eugenol isomer). Kavikol provide odor and bacteria have the power to kill five times the normal betel phenol. Even without oil, betel leaves and roots also has antiseptic properties, inhibits tumor angiogenesis.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Indonesian Bay Leaf

Indonesian bay leaves or laurel (in the Indonesian language is known as Salam) is a manufacturer of plant leaves used in cooking, Indonesia. This is the botanical name is Syzygium polyanthum. This factory is located in the southern part of Burma, Indonesia has increased by 5 foot height is 1,000 meters. Laurel tree can grow in the plains to the mountains at an altitude of 1800 m, a growing mass in the forest or jungle.

This medium sized shrub that reaches a height of 30 m. the bark is gray-brown, brittle, or peeling. Journal of the opposite is true above the horizontal branch, as if arranged in two rows in the field. Most have no impact on the petiole of 12 mm. Leaves elliptical, oval, narrow, elliptical or lanceolate, 5-16 x 2.5 to 7 cm, bald, with 6-11 secondary veins and margins appear on the coastline near the edge of the chain, the sebaceous glands located in the etheric body. Rings that form the beginning, with many flowers, 2-8 cm, is shown in magazines or sometimes the arm. Flowers small, fragrant, sessile. Flowers usually bisexual, petals and garlands, each with 4-5 leaves and petals of the same amount of the crown of leaves, sometimes with each other. Stamens numerous, sometimes very Valvatti leaves the ring. Bunting has a color bar, which sometimes are part of the interest.

It is also interesting that the fruit will sink, have a pistil bar, instead of one to several, 1-8 with an egg in each room. Seeds with little or no endosperm, the Agency for straight, curved or round.

Bay leaves of plants are commonly used in the Indonesian people that the plants are more effective drugs. In Treatment, Laurel treat high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension), gastritis, diarrhea, and the levels of a substance suspected of being a drug of uric acid. Chemical components of plants, bay leaves, saponins, triterpenoids, flavonoids, polyphenols, alkaloids, tannins and volatile oil sesquiterpene lactone, and phenol.